Gender-Neutral Language in English

Guide to Translating with Inclusive Gender-Neutral Language in English

While English doesn’t tend to gender its nouns, in contrast to many other languages like Spanish (which has its own approaches to inclusivity, see this article in Spanish), gender still subconsciously plays a key role in the language. From mankind to kingdom, countless words in the English language are charged with gender associations without speakers often meaning to make any sort of comment by doing so, a fact that translators should consider in their work.

The issue here is not related to the intended meanings of the words, but the often-discriminatory histories and ideas they reflect, risking leaving some feel left out of the human story. As the world becomes more inclusive and open-minded, its languages – metaphors for inclusivity, adaptability, and communication – evolve too, promoting gender-neutral language.

Why Use Gender-Neutral Language?

When gender-neutral language is discussed, transgender and non-binary issues follow soon after, which is perfectly understandable considering the growing awareness of these people and the struggles they face. However, gender-neutral language isn’t just a matter of including transgender and non-binary people, it’s about including everyone.

A great example of the potential usefulness of gender-neutral language is when you’re unsure of whether someone you’re translating material about is male, female, or non-binary, or perhaps from a culture with naming conventions you don’t understand. Using gender-neutral pronouns like they/them/their here is a major advantage of the English language that not only covers all possible bases but protects both you and the addressee from potentially awkward situations.

A Cultural Shift

It’s not just about pronouns. Gendered language and its role in the English language can be seen everywhere. Consider the words of Star Trek’s Captain Kirk “Where no man has gone before” in contrast to Jean-Luc Picard’s “Where no one has gone before” some decades later. The implication shifted from that this was man’s adventure, to everyone’s adventure. Language changed in Star Trek, reflecting changes in society – changes that are still happening today and that translators should bear in mind when trying to be inclusive.

How to Approach Gender-Neutral Language

Contrary to popular myth, the English language has had a gender-neutral alternative to he and she for centuries, making gender neutrality relatively easy. While there are pronouns that some non-binary and trans people may favor and that are polite to use if they make them known, the simple gender-neutral singular they/their/them pronouns have been used by everyone from Chaucer to Shakespeare and are absolutely not exclusively used for plurals. English has great built-in gender-neutral options that should be used if there is ambiguity or when gender is not important.

SIngular They - AlternativesEnglish Makes It Easy

While many languages insist on marking a difference between male and female doctors, lawyers and so on, English generally doesn’t and makes gender-neutral terms easy and natural to use. If there are gendered terms like businessman or policewoman, then this can be changed to businessperson or police officer. Other quick tips include “humanity” over “mankind”, “everyone” over “ladies and gentlemen” and “Good morning/afternoon” over “Dear Mr./Ms.”. The choice of vocabulary in the English language is vast and there’s almost always a natural gender-neutral option if you consult your thesaurus.

Inclusivity Is Key

This isn’t saying that gendered terms should never be used in translations. That would sound unnatural and they have to be used sometimes. The point is to encourage inclusivity through language as translators whenever the gender is an unimportant factor in a piece. There’s an argument to be made that language, along with history, has sided toward the role of males and overlooked females. But we are now at a point with greater inclusivity than ever before so it’s important to consider the role of language as it evolves to become more inclusive alongside us.

Ways to save money on translation services

Ways to save money on translation services

Professional translations are often thought of as being extremely expensive, but this needn’t always be the case. Whether a translation is expensive or not is entirely subjective. The best way to save money on translation services is to have a good understanding of the translation process. This article is here to help with important tips and background information to help you reduce the costs for your next translation project while maintaining a high level of quality.

Understanding how translators charge for their services

If you understand how translators determine their fees, you’ll have the tools you need to cut costs. Each translation project requires a different approach but I’d hesitate to hire a company that asks you to upload a document, charging you a flat price without even looking at the file.

Translations are usually quoted on a per word basis, but some translators also quote per hour or per page. So, which of these options is better for your wallet? A translator that charges per hour isn’t necessarily more expensive but the best way to know what you’ll be paying is to be charged per word in the source document. Several factors affect a translation quote such as the subject matter, the file format, the delivery date, and the language pair.

Tips to reduce translation costs

Plan ahead

If you’ve decided to have content translated, be sure that your project is well organized and that you have a clear idea of what you need. Ask yourself questions like “who’s my target audience?” “how much am I willing to pay?” and “how soon do I need the translation back?” Remember that translations take time; a translator can usually translate around 2000 words per day. Don’t leave it to the last minute or you’ll end up paying an extra fee for an urgent translation.

Be sure your material is ready for translation

As mentioned above, translation agencies and translators take several variables into account to price their services. A text that’s full of mistakes and isn’t clear and concise will be more difficult to translate and, therefore, more expensive. You should also ensure that the document you send for a quote has been completed and reviewed. Last-minute changes add both cost and time to the budget.

Consider the Format

When you send a document for translation, you should always consider how long it will take the translation agency to format the document. Is it a plain Word document, a PowerPoint with complex formatting, or an InDesign file? If you’ve got someone at your company in charge of desktop publishing, be sure to advise the translator that you’ll take care of the formatting. Converting PDFs to Word documents can also take a huge amount of time. Remember: the simpler the format, the less you’ll have to pay.

Provide reference material

If you’ve already had some material translated before and you were satisfied with the results, be sure to provide all the references and glossaries (if you have them) to the translator beforehand. This is especially significant for technical translations or specialized industries. If your translation provider knows that they’ll have this material, the cost will be lower and, more importantly, the target documents will be consistent with your previous translations.

Take advantage of technology

Most translation agencies use computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools that ensure quality and consistency, while also reducing costs. A CAT tool runs on a translation memory, which stores your translations in a database and helps you reuse them. Using these tools are of paramount importance for large projects where you need to save time and money whilst maintaining a high level of quality.

Centralize your project

Centralizing your translation process to one vendor will be more cost-effective. If your documents need to be formatted, you should look for a translation agency that provides desktop publishing so that you don’t end up buying the two services separately. Always remember to check if the translation is going to be proofread by a second translator unless someone from your company is a native speaker of the target language and has the required knowledge to review the translations.

Look for offers and discounts

Many translation agencies offer discounts depending on the volume. If you’ll be needing translation services on a monthly basis, it’s worth saying so to the translation agency to see what they can offer you.

Be aware of quality

Last but not least, when choosing a translation agency or freelance translator, do not just focus on the price. Get as much information as possible from the translation provider so you can make an educated decision. Using machine translators such as Google Translate or translators that charge ridiculously low rates will have a negative impact on your company; cost-cutting measures should never steer your focus from quality.


Talented Translators

Strategies to Retain Talented Translators

In a previous post, we mentioned what freelance translators should do to keep their translation clients happy, but what about the translators’ expectations?

As organizations become increasingly reliant on contractors and freelancers, they need to consider how to attract and retain them. Many clients think that because their translation projects are only temporary, there isn’t much point bothering to retain a translator. But if you’ve decided to collaborate with a translator on a contractual basis, remember that it needs to be a harmonious relationship. Making sure that you get your message across clearly and accurately is essential for both the client and the translator.

Below are some crucial points that you should bear in mind to keep your freelance translator or contractor happy.

Communicate clearly

If you work with a translator remotely, you’ll want to make sure that you communicate your needs and expectations clearly from the start. This will prevent confusion and save you time. Remember that freelance translators or contractors are not part of your organization and need relevant information to deliver a quality translation.

The clearer your instructions, the more likely the translator will continue accepting jobs from you.  They will also feel like a part of your team and will be motivated to give you their best.

Be responsive

In communication, responsiveness is essential. Many issues can arise in a translation project: a term may need clarification, there may be parts missing, documents may not open correctly, and so on. Efficient translators like to work with companies that respond to their queries and address issues in a timely fashion. That email you are not answering might cause delays in your translation or in other projects of the translator.

Quality checks and revisions should be done by native speakers

There’s nothing more annoying for a translator than receiving corrections full of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. If you have someone from your company review the delivered translation, make sure that the person proofreading it is both an expert in the subject matter and a native speaker of the target language (the translation language). It will be a waste of time for both you and the translator if the documents keep coming and going with bad corrections and the translator constantly explaining why the translation is correct.

Provide feedback

Feedback is a crucial part of the translation process. Honest reviews can provide a way to identify weaknesses and strengths which will, in return, make future projects run more smoothly. In addition, with your feedback and corrections, glossaries can be improved, and the translator can find the right tone for your message. If you’re looking for a long-term relationship with a translator, you shouldn’t keep your thoughts on the translation to yourself. That being said, feedback should be fair. If you only point out what’s wrong or provide harsh feedback, it might lead to negative results. The translator might think that they aren’t suitable for the job or lose confidence in what they’re doing. Moreover, in the case of translation agencies, if a project manager reads negative feedback, they may decide to hire another translator, making it a bad decision for your project.

Be patient and respect deadlines

Meeting deadlines is a cornerstone of a successful translator. Once your translation project scope has been analyzed properly, the translator will provide you with a quote with basic information, including the deadline. If you have a strict deadline, you must be crystal clear about the date and time you need the translation back. Be aware that while translators have to respect deadlines, so do you. If it’s 10.15 AM and the translation needs to be delivered by 11 AM, refrain from contacting the translator asking whether the translation is ready yet. Those 45 minutes could be crucial for the translator. They could be doing the final check of the translation or polishing the text before delivery. If you insist on asking “is it ready yet?”, you could be distracting them and cause mistakes.

Pay on time

Just like a traditional employee, freelance translators and contractors need to receive their money on schedule. Late payments will not only make translators unhappy but can also give you a bad reputation. If you’re having unexpected problems and need to delay a payment, be up-front about the reasons and communicate them to the translator. Most will understand, especially so if this isn’t something that happens frequently. The same as deadlines, payment terms should be agreed upon before beginning a project.

Hiring a freelance translator or contractor can be a win-win situation as you avoid overhead costs like insurance, sick time, paid vacations and a fixed monthly salary. When you find the best talent that aligns with your business needs, you should do your best to retain them. If you think of your translators as part of your team and provide clear information, consistent work and pay fair rates on time, you will be able to count on highly skilled translators who will help you make your business flourish.

Contact us for a free translation quote.

Freelance translators and translation agencies

Ten rules to make sure you stand out to translation agencies

In a globalized world with literally hundreds of thousands of professional freelance translators out there competing for work, you’ve got to stand out from your competition. But how can you make sure you get hired again and keep your translation agency happy?

Here are a few tips to make your translation client fall in love with your services.

Ask yourself whether you are a good candidate for the translation

Before accepting a job or potentially wasting your time applying for a job, think carefully about whether you meet the requirements. Do you have experience with the subject matter? It’s better to refrain from translating a document you have no experience in at all than to lose a client when they realize you’ve done a sloppy job. Also carefully consider whether you’re able to meet the deadline.

Answer requests ASAP

Translation agencies count on reliable and readily available translators. If you’re approached by a new client, you will definitely start off on the right foot if you get back to them quickly and professionally. It’s a good idea to make sure that regular clients are able to reach you by providing them with alternative ways of contacting you, such as your WhatsApp or Skype details.

Dont make promises you cant keep

Agencies like working with freelancers who are prepared to meet their expectations and follow their schedules. From time to time, you’ll be approached by clients that have specific requirements. For instance, some agencies may need a freelancer to be available five hours per week for ongoing assignments or they may need to know well in advance if you will be available for a project that’s starting in a month’s time. Don’t commit to anything you can’t accomplish. Your client will have a hard time finding another translator if you’re not actually available like you promised and will have second thoughts before hiring you again.

Check files

Prevent unexpected problems. Once you’re sent the files for a translation, open them immediately to make sure that they open properly and that they are the right files. The same is true for translation packages; check that everything is fine, including translation memories. Translators can have heavy workloads and may only realize that there’s a problem with the files when they have just a few hours left to translate them – all because they didn’t take the time to check them when they were received. Also, bear in mind that the translation agency might not be in your time zone so the sooner you report a problem the better.

Check POs

If you’re sent a PO or agreement, verify that the word count and the rate you agreed is correct. Also, make sure to check that the currency is correct. Any discrepancies should also be reported immediately.

Meet deadlines

Remember that when a client says that a translation needs to be delivered by tomorrow, 3 pm ET, you can’t deliver it tomorrow at 6 pm ET. Translation agencies have strict schedules and parallel projects to finish. Most of them have their translations reviewed by another translator and they need time to proofread files and do a quality control before delivery. If you have a problem, notify the agency well in advance of the time you’ll be delivering the translation. Give yourself extra time when you state the new deadline as it would be terrible to miss it twice.

Develop a Quality Assurance (QA)  process

Don’t send draft translations. Although translation agencies have their own QA procedures, it’s your job to provide an error-free translation. Many reviewers charge on an hourly basis and it will, therefore, be more expensive for an agency to review a translation that hasn’t been proofread by the original translator. Your QA process should include deleting double spaces, checking the format and, of course, checking the spelling. Don’t change file names, simply add the international langue code at the end. For instance: “name ES.docx.”

Be open to comments

Your job isn’t over when you deliver the translation. The agency will have your translation proofread or checked. You will usually receive the tracked changes and comments. Carefully review all the changes and make sure you reply to all comments. Don’t panic when you receive revisions – all documents will always need a few changes to be made and it doesn’t mean that you’ve done a bad job. If you disagree with a change, say so. Don’t just reply to the email with a “Received. Thank you.” Your project manager needs to know that you’ve read the proofread document and that you agree with all the changes. If you’ve made a glossary, update it for future translations.

Pay attention to invoicing

Prepare your invoice as soon as you finish the project and send it to the contact provided for payments. Some translation agencies require specific information such as the PO, date delivered, etc. Remember to include all the information and specify your preferred method of payment.

Go the extra mile

Translation agencies are sure to keep choosing freelancers who go above and beyond the call of duty. Successful freelance translators are passionate, pro-active and put 100 percent into every single project. If you show your client that you love your work and you make your own suggestions on how to make the project successful, they’ll be impressed.

PDF Translation

How do I translate a PDF file?

If you are a translator, you may already have had a client ask you to translate a PDF document.

But what exactly is a PDF file? PDF stands for Portable Document Format. It is easy to open on various devices and is a standard file used for sharing business documents. Translating with a PDF editor means you’ll likely have to do some reformatting since the translation will have a different word count (texts written in Spanish, for example, are typically 20-30 percent longer than texts written in English). There may also be graphics, images and tables with text inside them that will have to be reformatted to accommodate the new word count.

Do you need to deliver the translation with a format identical to the PDF file?

There is a chance that the client doesn’t need a file with an identical format. They might just want the translation sent to them in a Word document and have someone internal do the PDF formatting with the translated text. Do not assume that they want you to take care of the formatting just because the document they sent you is a PDF file. Ask them first and find out exactly what they need.

If the client has decided they want you to do the formatting, here is what you need to do:

Establish how the PDF was created

Is it a simple file created from a Word document or was it created with a graphic design software such as InDesign? Or is it a scanned document? If it was created with a Word document, the conversion will usually be pretty simple. To find out which application was used to create the PDF: Click (in Adobe Acrobat) File> Properties> Description. Under Application, the program used to create it will be listed (e.g. MS Word, InDesign).

Choose the best PDF translating method

Direct translation– If the PDF file is not a scanned document, it is possible to translate directly in a PDF editor (such as Adobe Acrobat) by overwriting the text. As mentioned above, the word count in the translated version will be different, which means you will need to work out some formatting issues. With a direct translation, this can be a challenge as formatting options are limited with PDF editors.

Retyping– This is basically the only option for scanned documents that are converted badly with an OCR software since you cannot edit the text using a PDF editor. For other types of docs where the text can be edited, retyping would be the most time-consuming way to translate a PDF file, potentially adding hours to your translation time.

OCR software– OCR (Optical Character Recognition) programs are not free but they are ideal for challenging formatting issues. They allow you to convert PDFs to editable documents. It should be noted that, in most cases, you will need to fix the format after converting and exporting PDFs to Word. You should learn the basics of the OCR software you use. There is a way to choose how blocks will be read by the OCR software. For example, you can choose the program to read a block as an image, table or text.

Computer-Assisted Tools– Programs such as SDL Trados allow you to extract the text from a PDF to be translated in their interface but will not help when it comes to formatting issues.

PDF readers and editor– PDF readers and editors programs allow you to copy the text to the clipboard or copy and paste text manually. The paid versions let you convert and export files. This option is not ideal for complex formatting.

How to charge for a PDF translation

If you are presented with a PDF file with a complex format, ask your client if they can provide you with the source file. If they cannot and want you to deliver a translation with an identical format, in order to calculate your price for the client, you should consider how long it will take you to reformat the file with the translated text and if you will need to use a vendor (such as a graphic designer) in order to do this successfully.

A final tip

For those who work with PDFs frequently, a PDF editor such as Adobe Acrobat Professional is recommended, however, there are also cheaper options so shop around before you purchase one.

Do you need to translate a PDF? Contact us for a quote!

Signs of a Good Translator

The Telltale Signs of a Good Translator: How to Recognize Them

Recognizing the telltale signs of a good translator is essential when recruiting a freelancer. Selecting the correct person will save you a huge amount of time and hassle in the long run, as it will avoid poor quality work and unhappy clients.

Here are some of the main points to look out for.

CV and Cover Letter

First impressions are paramount. CVs and cover letters tell you a lot about writing skills and should be well-written and faultless. If a freelance translator hasn’t taken the time to ensure this, then you simply can’t trust their skill.

As well as spelling, punctuation, grammar and structure, you should also be looking for excellent content. If the translator is replying to an advertisement, then all the required information should be covered. Have they taken the time to research your company and include relevant references to it? Above all, it needs to be original enough for you to be sure that it hasn’t been copied and pasted from stock examples online.

Social Media

Look candidates up on social media. Translators should keep their social media platforms up-to-date and professional looking. A high-quality photo is a great first impression and completed profiles should give an idea of their experience and activity.

Referring to social media should be done even before contacting a translator. A stagnant, badly created social media platform may indicate that the freelancer is not as immersed in the industry as you would like. Are they worth taking the time to contact?


Once a translator has passed the CV, cover letter and social media checks, put their communication skills to the test. When you contact them for a quote or to ask questions after receiving their CV, they must respond in a timely manner. Taking too long may mean that you have to chase them on work deadlines.

Do their replies indicate that they understand what your project is about? Do they ask the right questions, showing that they know what a translation project involves? Even better if these questions make you think of issues you didn´t anticipate.

These are the basic telltale signs of recognizing a good freelance translator to work with in your agency. Each one is a minimum requirement. If a translator fails on any of the above points, you need to keep looking.

HR Translation

The Importance of Translation in the Workplace

With 37 million native Spanish speakers in the US, the importance of translation in the workplace is increasing. This is becoming a significant part of business for certain industries such as construction, where over a quarter of the workforce is Hispanic, with 10% being in managerial roles.

Neglecting translation can lead to a lack of morale, safety issues and potential legal proceedings.

Documents to translate into Spanish

When a business looks at translating material into Spanish there are certain key documents that should be at the top of the list.

Employee Handbook

When a new employee joins a company, an employee handbook is a valuable resource for them. It tells them about the company procedures and policies, and gives them a go-to reference for when they need information. By translating this into Spanish, you are ensuring Spanish-speaking members of staff have all the necessary information.

Safety Manuals and Signs around the Workplace

Safety has to be paramount in any workplace. If a large part of your staff speaks English as a second language, then translating safety manuals and signs will protect both them and you. From safety manuals for machinery to simple ‘mind the step’ signs, there are many aspects that should be considered.

Several years ago, there was a serious gas leak at Tyson Foods when a Spanish-speaking employee misunderstood a warning label on a container. This could have been avoided if the company had invested in translation.

OSHA and Healthcare Forms

Failing to translate forms used to record injury and illness can lead to mistakes being made. If an employee does not understand the form and completes it incorrectly, legal and ethical implications can arise. This can be costly for companies if it leads to compensation payouts. OSHA estimates that $1 billion is paid per week in workers’ compensation.

Tax Forms

Only having an English version of tax forms can put Spanish speakers at a serious disadvantage. Filling in tax forms inaccurately due to misunderstanding can lead to them receiving less pay than they are entitled to, but could also result in accusations of tax fraud.

All Company Communication

Any business that has a significant proportion of Hispanics should look to translate all company communication, such as emails, memos and flyers. This will not only ensure that each and every employee is up-to-date with the content of this communication, but it will also make all employees feel included and valued.

Celebrating the Fourth Fastest-Growing Industry in the United States!

September 30 was International Translation Day – the day for translators and the translation industry as a whole to stand up and be celebrated! Translators are not always been seen as they work in the background of many industries. Yet it is thanks to them that many other industries prosper due to the ability to maximize their reach to different areas of the globe.

The history of International Translation Day

Originally a day to celebrate St Jerome, also known as the patron saint of translation. He was the man who translated the bible in to Latin. This was the beginning of the bible being translated into 636 languages, with the New Testament alone now available in 1442 languages.

Since 1953, St Jerome Day has been celebrated worldwide in order to raise awareness of the importance of translation. In 1991, the International Federation of Translation officially deemed the September 30 to be International Translation Day.

The translation industry in figures

International Translation Day calls for a look at the figures of the translation industry, which has continued to grow in times when other industries have suffered.

Reports from the Centre of Next Generation Localisation have named the translation and localization industry as the fourth fastest-growing industry in the Untied States. The industries using the widest variety of languages are software products, medical devices, automotive and pharmaceuticals.

According to the CNBC, the last seven years have seen a 24% increase in the number of operating translation companies, as well as a significant 50% jump in the number of people employed in the industry.

Technology has not replaced the need for translation

Despite speculation that technology and the advent free online translation tools could damage the translation industry, it is in fact technology that has seen the industry boom.

As the Internet has become ever present in life and in business over the past two decades, globalization has develop the increased need for translation worldwide.

Research results from the Common Sense Advisory, a translation industry think-tank, showed that “a full 63% of global brands recently reached more customers by increasing the number of languages on their websites”. Without translation agencies, this extended reach would not have been possible.

The translation industry – a facilitator of international reach and growth. That’s something to celebrate!

Translation tool privacy breach explained

A Word of Warning about Free Online Translation Tools

News broke at the beginning of the month that large amounts of documents that had been submitted to were visible to the general public.

Norwegian news agency NRK was the first to run the story, which detailed the exposure of sensitive information about Statoil, Norway’s state oil company. Contracts, workforce reduction plans and dismissal letters were publicly available to see online after the company had opted for a free online tool for their translation needs, in place of using a translation agency.

Slator, a translation industry news site, investigated further and reported similar findings for other companies and industries, including documents such as email exchanges, late payment notices, tax matters and termination letters.

Reaction from governments and institutions was quick and abrupt. The Oslo Stock exchange instantly blocked access to

Translation tool privacy breach explained offered a full and detailed explanation of how this privacy breach occurred, stating that the documents in question had been submitted via a system that ceased to be used two years ago.

Up until the end of 2015, used volunteers to translate documents submitted to the site. These documents were stored on the cloud so that all volunteers had access to them. This also meant that they were publicly available online. defended their system choice, stating that it had issued clear warnings on their homepage. The point was also made that the free service was not appropriate for business use involving sensitive data, and that a private, protected and payable enterprise service would be better suited.

An apology was offered, together with a strong warning to remove private data from documents that are submitted, including names, addresses and phone numbers.

Why translation agencies are a safer option

 When employing the services of a translation agency, you can rest assured that your data will be treated with the utmost privacy. Reputable agencies will have non-disclosure agreements that are signed as a matter of routine to ensure 100% confidentiality.

Using a free online translation tool may be an appealing way of saving money, but is it worth the risk? Exposing sensitive data and information could cost your business much more than money. You could lose your hard-earned reputation and client base.


How failing to proofread your website content will lose you money

In a world where internet buying has become common place, there is less and less face-to-face contact with sales people. Coercing potential customers into purchasing a product or service in-store just doesn’t arise as often.

Everything comes down to your website content. So what happens if that content is littered with typos, spellings or grammatical mistakes? It’s simple – you lose money.

People are becoming increasingly ruthless in selecting where to spend their money, so if you fail at the first hurdle by simply not having your website content professionally proofread, then you are likely to suffer financially.

Why is proofreading so important?

The inbound marketing agency, ImpactBND, answered this question nicely:

“If your content is plagued by poor grammar, it’s likely that people will think twice about the quality of your products or services.”

Your actual copy can be some of the best written around, but if it contains mistakes, its effect will be lost almost instantaneously.

When potential customers are looking for a new service or product provider, they are looking for a trustworthy, knowledgeable and credible company. This is very hard to show if a customer sees that the effort hasn’t been made to ensure the website is faultless.

There is a very talked-about case involving a British company called After correcting a typo on one of their tights category pages from ‘Tihgts’ to ‘Tights’, the company noticed a 80% increase in conversions. This is the proof that one simple error can lose your business a significant amount of money.

The importance of proofreading translations

The correct translation of your website is paramount if you want people to take your business seriously. The same applies for the proofreading of that translation. Content that has been badly translated or that contains spelling or grammar errors will very quickly fail to provide you with the extra revenue you had envisaged.

A translation agency should have a vigorous quality assurance process that involves employing a second qualified translator to proofread any translated text. Proofreading your own work is an almost impossible task, as your eye does not spot all the errors. A two-stage process means, as a client, you can be 100% sure that the translation delivered will be faultless and ready to upload onto your site.

Although having your website proofread will mean an initial outlay of money, it should be seen as an investment that will earn you higher profits in the long run.