Transpanish Announces New Manual Translation Page

Transpanish is pleased to announce a new page describing the company’s manual translation services. As the business world continues to diversify, so do the customer bases and workforces of many companies, necessitating the translation of employee handbooks, technical manuals, and guides into other languages. We offer companies Spanish-English and English-Spanish translations of manuals, handbooks, and other types of technical materials.

Manuals and other technical documentation can be quite complex, and they require skill to be successfully translated. We promise the same high quality, accuracy and reliability with our manual translations that you’ve come to expect from all of the translations provided by Transpanish. Take a look at our page about manual translations for more details about this service.

If you’re in need of a handbook or manual translation, visit our Manual Translation webpage. Would you like a project quote? Simply click on the “Free Translation Quote” tab above.

Should Translators Work for Free?

Everyone knows you can’t get something for nothing…or can you? These days, it seems that many big name Internet properties, particularly those involved in social media, are trying their darnedest to get users to contribute their knowledge and expertise with no promise of remuneration, a practice commonly referred to as crowdsourcing. But as a professional translator, should you offer your services for free? Are there situations where it’s worthwhile to work without expectation of payment?

Translators devote significant amounts of time and effort to research terms, compile glossaries, and craft the language of their translations, and most are adamant about being paid a fair wage for what they do. Many translation professionals see crowdsourcing and the like as exploitation, preferring to work on personal projects or other endeavors if they have extra time on their hands.

Although not alone in the hunt for unpaid volunteers, the social network LinkedIn really managed to ruffle a few feathers two years ago when it asked members who are professional translators if they’d be willing to translate the site “for fun” or in exchange for nothing more than a profile badge. This move generated a great deal of controversy, with members noting that such requests devalue the translation profession—a vocation that already struggles for recognition.

Others argue that if one is keen on working for free, it’s best to do so for a non-profit. Translating for a non-profit organization can help translation students or recently graduated translators gain experience and build their resumes, all while working for a good cause. Many seasoned translators volunteer their time or charge a reduced rate as a means of giving something back to the community.

There are, however, certain instances in which it may be beneficial for linguists to donate their time and skill to profit-making ventures. For newly minted translators looking to build a name for themselves and get their foot in the door, collaborating with large websites may prove worthwhile.

For example, in May 2010, TermWiki was launched. The site encourages users to contribute translations with the goal of “collecting every single term in every single language, to be made freely available to the world.” In addition, the site’s “My Glossary” feature allows users to build glossaries for sharing with friends and colleagues.

The advantage for translators looking to gain a bit of name recognition is that TermWiki links the users’ names, the companies they represent, and their professional details to each entry submitted to the site. The company promises exposure to participating users as their contributions rise to the top in the search engines.

For experienced translators with limited free time, these types of projects are not terribly sensible from a business standpoint. Whether one enjoys participating on a personal level is another matter altogether; however, it’s wise for professionals of any stripe to think twice before offering their services free of charge.

Marketing Your Business in Times of Economic Crisis

“Successful companies do not abandon their marketing strategies in a recession; they adapt them.”[1]John Quelch of the Harvard Business School

With today’s challenging economic climate, both in the United States and abroad, businesses must do more to actively market their products and services. An aggressive marketing strategy is called for in an economic downturn, even as other businesses and individual consumers tighten their belts. After all, despite the negative economic outlook, clients still need your company’s goods and services.

While some businesses may be keen to cut their market research budgets, companies must understand consumers’ thoughts and behavior during hard economic times. Use market research to develop a strategic marketing plan to focus your advertising dollars on the right message and the right audience.

Along the same lines, businesses should think twice before slashing the advertising budget. While your competitors pare down their marketing spending, stepping up marketing efforts at your company can help you gain market share and increase return on investment. Study after study indicates that companies willing to forge ahead with marketing efforts, even during a recession, reap benefits in the long term.

Innovative branding will ensure that your company gets a leg up on the competition. If your business previously overlooked the importance of online marketing, now is the time to establish more of a presence on the Internet through a professionally designed and translated website, social networking campaigns, and potentially, a blog. Using the Internet as a marketing tool is less expensive than conventional methods of reaching customers, and companies have the opportunity of making contact with an even greater audience, both at home and overseas.

Lastly, open up to the possibility of exploring new markets—especially those enjoying a more favorable economic climate. Tap into emerging markets throughout the Americas including México, Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Perú through Spanish and Portuguese translations. Reach up to 650 million customers previously unfamiliar with your product or service, simply by making your company’s information available in Spanish and Portuguese.

Get a discount for your translation service.

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Cutting Translation Costs
Cutting Translation Budget: Good business move or not?


[1] Harvard Business School: Working Knowledge, Marketing Your Way Through the Recession by John Quelch

The Meaning of ‘Atorrante”‘

Argentine Spanish is strewn with words and colorful phrases from Lunfardo, a rich vocabulary born on the streets of Buenos Aires in the second half of the 19th century. Now considered a fixture of the Spanish language in Argentina (especially in and around Buenos Aires) and Uruguay, linguists cite the use of Lunfardo as a defining characteristic of the Rioplatense dialect. Add a dash of Argentine flavor to your Spanish vocabulary with the Transpanish blog’s ongoing feature highlighting some of the most frequently used terms in Lunfardo.

In Lunfardo, the word atorrante commonly refers to one who avoids work and other responsibilities or one who lacks honesty and respect, with concern only for his own personal gain. In addition, atorrante carries the following meanings:

  • When used to describe a man or a woman (atorranta in the case of a female) – scum, bum, tramp, layabout, crook, slacker, good-for-nothing, naughty, cheeky
  • When used to describe a woman – whore, slut, easy, promiscuous
  • When used to describe a child – prankster, mischievous, cheeky
  • When used to describe an animal – mutt

The origin of the word “atorrante” is uncertain; however, there are two widely held explanations as to its etymological roots.

(1) It’s said that in the early 20th century, vagabonds and indigents slept inside huge cement pipes being installed for an important public works project in the City of Buenos Aires. Allegedly, the French-made pipes were emblazoned with the name of the manufacturer A. Torrent, and the men spending the night in these pipes gained the moniker “atorrantes” as a result.

(2) At the turn of the 20th century, unemployed men who came looking for work at general stores were offered the job of roasting coffee beans (to roast/toast = torrar). The raggedy-looking folks given this task later came to be known as atorrantes.

Related words in Lunfardo:

atorrantear – to loiter; to go out and have fun, especially at night; to go out in search of someone to have sex with

atorrar– to sleep

The word “atorrante” appears in the lyrics of popular 70s tune “Cara de tramposo” by Argentine pop and tango singer Cacho Castaña.

Cara de tramposo

Cara de tramposo y ojos de atorrante
con el pelo largo y la lengua picante

Dejó la Argentina buscando horizontes
en un viejo barco fue de polizonte
en tierras lejanas buscando fortuna


Translation and Interpretation Challenges in the Field of Criminal Justice

Professionals specializing in court interpretation and translation provide an extremely important service during criminal justice proceedings. However, despite these professionals’ best efforts, controversy over the interpretation of testimony or translation of legal documents frequently arises in court cases.

Mark Cohen, a New York defense attorney with Spanish fluency, remarked that interpreters encounter occasional difficulties when interpreting for people who come from a different region of the Spanish-speaking world. For example, Mr. Cohen noted that when a South American interpreter assists a client from, for instance, the Spanish Caribbean, the interpreter might struggle with slang words or phrasing unique to that region. To avoid this problem, it is advisable to secure the services of a court interpreter who hails from the same region as the person requiring language assistance, whenever possible.

Defense attorney Arnold J. Levine noted that a question that crops up during jury selection is whether potential jurors can put aside their personal knowledge of a foreign language and accept the interpretation and/or translation presented by the language professionals involved in the case. Jurors who come to doubt the accuracy of a court interpreter’s performance can have disastrous effects on a trial – including the declaration of a mistrial.

Read more at the New York Times’ City Room Blog.

Translating for Non-profits

Non-profit organizations and NGOs focus on improving the lives of others through diverse initiatives targeted at issues such as housing, social welfare, the environment, health care, education and human rights. These organizations typically require translation services to effectively explain their vision to a global audience, carry out their campaigns and fundraising efforts, and to communicate with those whom their programs benefit and serve. The social impact of materials translated for non-profit organizations must be carefully considered, along with the fact that virtually all agencies of this type function under budgetary constraints.

In the United States alone, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of non-profit organizations taking action to better the lives of the Latino community through their programs and initiatives. Non-profit organizations aimed at serving Hispanics are particularly vital to recent immigrants, who benefit from assistance without the difficulty of the language and culture barrier. Some of the largest non-profits devoted to the U.S. Hispanic community include the ASPIRA Association, Hispanic Housing Development Corp., the National Council of La Raza, and the Hispanic Scholarship Fund.

Non-profit agencies are particularly involved in South America, with many organizations choosing to focus on Brazil. The non-profit sector in Brazil is expanding, with U.S. companies such as Walmart supporting philanthropic activities in Brazil as a means to establish a presence in this fast-growing, influential economy. It’s essential for Brazilian non-profit organizations looking to solicit donations from corporate entities and foundations abroad to translate their materials from Portuguese.

A non-profit organization in its initial stages may have little to no budget for translation services. In this case, non-profits will sometimes connect with student translators or linguists just starting their careers who are in need of “résumé builders.” Experienced translators – who are likelier to turn out a high quality translation – often work for more established NGOs or non-profit agencies at reduced rates, as a way to give something back to the community.

If you’re a representative of a non-profit organization or NGO, click here to learn more about Transpanish’s discounted translation rate for non-profits.

Related articles:
Translations for Non-profits in a Bad Economy
Latinos and the Non-profit sector

How to Find Work as a Translator

Connect with Potential Employers Online

The websites ProZ and TranslatorsCafé, specifically geared toward the translation industry, provide access to directories of translation agencies to which you can offer your services. Both sites feature job search boards for translators working in hundreds of different language combinations. In addition to the various sites targeted directly at translators, social media sites such as LinkedIn and Twitter offer sources of job opportunities. Regardless of which sites you use, make sure you complete your profile and connect with both translators and agencies to maximize your chances of landing a gig. Click here for Twitter tips for translators.

Networking Face to Face

Actively networking and seeking out off-line relationships with other translators can reap rewards in terms of generating leads. Consider joining one of the many professional societies for translators, and attend professional development events and seminars whenever possible. Translators on ProZ also organize get-togethers (powwows) where you can meet colleagues and possibly make professional contacts that will bring you work.

Spread the Word

Promoting your translation services through word of mouth remains one of the best methods for capturing new clients. Let family and friends know you are looking for work, and keep a stack of business cards on hand to distribute to potential clients.

Develop a Niche

Translation agencies and direct clients frequently look for translators with specialized, content-specific expertise. If you do not currently have a niche, you ought to consider developing one to be more competitive.

Send out Résumés

Send emails to translation agencies and include your résumé/CV and website information. In the case of a local agency, make the extra effort to go in person and introduce yourself with résumé in hand. Make sure that your résumé is free of spelling and grammatical errors, which are unprofessional under any circumstances but particularly lethal if you are a linguist. Visit our post Résumé Writing Tips for Translators.

Consider Freelance vs. In-house

Freelance translation provides freedom, flexibility and variety. Since you are the boss, you have the option of picking and choosing those projects that best suit your skills and interests. In addition, savvy freelancers who market themselves effectively can pick up clients from around the globe. However, freelancing requires the translator to wear all sorts of hats; you will be responsible for everything from accounting to advertising. Working at home also demands a lot of discipline that not everyone can muster. Get more information about working as a freelance translator here.

In-house translators generally work a fixed, full-time schedule at a company. These positions offer the promise of guaranteed income and a steady flow of projects, plus a support team at the company that takes care of all the logistics that a freelancer must manage alone. In-house translation positions allow linguists to acquire lots of experience, but translators in this environment generally focus on just one subject.

Hispanic Employees in the Workplace

Hispanic participation in the workplace continues to grow, with Latino workers accounting for 15% of the U.S. workforce in 2010, according to U.S. Department of Labor statistics. Latinos are projected to make up 18% of the total American workforce by 2018. Working in industries such as construction, manufacturing, hospitality, and agriculture, Latinos make an important contribution to the U.S. economy.

Although one can safely generalize to a certain degree about Hispanic culture, employers must recognize that Spanish-speaking workers hail from a number of different countries, each with its own culture and norms. Employers who make the effort to personally connect with their Hispanic employees, showing that they are valued and respected, will reap benefits in the end.

One way that employers, particularly supervisors, can demonstrate their commitment to Hispanic workers is by taking the time to learn basic Spanish. When communicating with employees, it is best to avoid the use of slang words, since their meanings can vary widely from country to country. In addition, employers should take care when using hand gestures, as they can sometimes be misinterpreted by those coming from a different cultural background.

Employers should be wary of imposing discriminatory language policies on Latino employees. Valuing Hispanic workers’ culture and the Spanish language builds an atmosphere of respect between employer and employees, rather than one of inferiority and isolation. Employees should be allowed to speak Spanish at work, particularly while on break. By refusing Latino employees the right to communicate in Spanish, employers deny them the ability to express their cultural heritage on the job.

According to the report “The Hispanic Labor Force in the Recovery,” in 2009 Hispanic workers experienced the highest rate of work-related fatal injuries at 3.7 incidents per 100,000 full time equivalent workers, compared to 3.4 for whites and 3.0 for blacks.” In light of this statistic, the availability of Spanish-language materials for Hispanic employees, including manuals, handbooks, and safety information should be a top priority for employers.

Due to the language barrier, literacy and other limitations, Hispanic workers are sometimes more difficult to reach through traditional means of communication. Hence, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) requires employers to present information concerning workers’ rights, safety and health training materials, information and instructions in a language that employees can understand. Materials should be translated by a professional Spanish translation service – not just a bilingual employee – and it is best to use neutral Spanish, as terminology often differs from one country to another.

Additionally, Latino workers respond well to training conducted in person, with ample use of visual aids. In situations where large amounts of complex verbal information must be relayed to employees (e.g. training sessions, safety meetings), consider hiring a Spanish interpreter to ensure maximum comprehension.

With ethnic diversity and the inclusion of Latinos in the American workplace part of the new reality, the business community, workplace trainers and human resource personnel must develop an improved understanding of and sensitivity to language barriers and cultural differences. In the end, these efforts will enable businesses to stay competitive by supporting a productive, stable and safe workforce.

1The Hispanic Labor Force in the Recovery, United States Department of Labor

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Target an Audience of 650 Million with Spanish and Portuguese Translations

As the competition in the global marketplace heats up, companies without a strategy for connecting with customers worldwide face a strong possibility of getting left behind. Savvy companies and organizations stand to capture upwards of a combined 650 million potential customers by incorporating Spanish and Portuguese translation into their business strategy. As the influence and economic power of emerging Spanish and Portuguese-speaking markets continues to grow, companies that invest in high-quality translations to target this audience will see dividends.

Spanish is the most widely spoken of the Romance languages, both in terms of the number of speakers and the number of countries in which it is the dominant language. With approximately 400 million native speakers worldwide, Spanish is currently the second most widely spoken language overall. At present, Portuguese ranks sixth among the world’s major languages, with some 250 million native speakers around the world. Portuguese and Spanish are both recognized by UNESCO as the fastest growing of the European languages.

Why Spanish Translation?

The expanding presence of the Spanish language coupled with increased Latino buying power has cemented the Hispanic demographic’s influence in the United States. U.S. Latinos‘ buying power is expected to reach $1 trillion this year. Given the Hispanic market’s incredible growth, size, and increasing purchasing power, businesses and organizations cannot afford to overlook this segment of the population.

As the emerging markets of Latin America, particularly Chile, Mexico, Colombia and Peru, gain a stronger foothold, they become increasingly attractive sources of new clientele for those businesses looking to target new audiences. A well-crafted, Spanish translation done by a professional translator will help corporations and organizations communicate with the Hispanic community, both at home and abroad, to take advantage of the business opportunities provided by these rapidly expanding markets.

Why Portuguese Translation?

Over the last twenty years, Brazil has steadily grown to become Latin America’s largest economy. With a robust economic outlook and a population of about 190 million people, companies can no longer ignore Brazil. Given the country’s strong, stable currency and a growing middle class with a hunger for imported goods, reaching the Brazilian market appears to be more crucial than ever before for businesses. Although Brazil is the sole Portuguese-speaking country in the Americas, approximately one-half of South America’s inhabitants speak the language. In today’s global economy, it pays to be able to communicate effectively with the Portuguese-speaking population.

Brazil also expects a significant tourism boost over the next few years as the country plays host to two major international sporting events: the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. Translation from Portuguese to a host of other languages will be necessary to accommodate the scores of foreign athletes, tourists and journalists who will descend upon Brazil for these events.

Translate for the Spanish and Portuguese markets to extend your business’ or organization’s reach, and connect with everyone from the customers right in your backyard to those in the far-flung corners of Latin America.

Are you looking for a Portuguese Translator? Visit TransPortuguese.
Are you looking for a Spanish Translator? Visit Transpanish.

Dirae: The Latest Tool to Search for Terms in Spanish

Spanish speakers and students of the Spanish language now have one more handy tool at their disposal. The Real Academia Española (RAE) – the official institution responsible for policing the Spanish language – recently released the online tool known as Dirae, based on the RAE’s Diccionario de la lengua española (Spanish language dictionary). Unlike traditional dictionaries, Dirae functions as a reverse dictionary, enabling users to find words based on a set of general concepts.

Using carefully chosen search terms, Dirae also functions as an associative thesaurus, etymological search tool, and synonym finder. For example, by entering the search terms “‘del quechua’ maíz,” the tool will return Spanish words etymologically based in the Quechua language that are related to corn. Read more about this new tool and view examples of its use here [in Spanish].

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New Spanish Spelling Reforms from the RAE
New Inclusive Grammar Guidelines from the Real Academia Española